Return to Activity Notice 5/4/2020
The Board of the Northwest Indiana Soccer League, like you, are anxious to return to normal activities as soon as safely and practically possible and within the Governor’s and the CDC’s guidance. As we begin to phase in our return to play, please prepare to implement the following return to play protocols along with local health professionals, infectious disease specialists and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines. These guidelines should be practiced in order for the activity to be considered a sanctioned activity until further notice, regardless of what stage Indiana is implementing. Note – only sanctioned activities provide member benefits, i.e. insurance etc.
Return to Activities Minimum Requirements:
Any coach, player, parent, referee and or spectator who is sick, has a persistent cough, is running a temperature or is displaying any symptoms suggesting that the individual may be ill, (from any contagious malady, including cold, flu, or suspected corona virus) will be prohibited from attending training or games. Any coach or administrator who sees any adult attendee who displays any of these symptoms should be politely but firmly asked to leave. A minor who is displaying any of these symptoms should be safely isolated until an adult responsible for the minor can remove the minor.
Minimize physical touching between players and coaches
Coaches shall ensure and all players and coaches avoid “high fives,” handshakes, or other types of physical touching. We understand that this may be difficult as players enjoy celebrating with their teammates (or even give them a hug after being apart for so long!), but we need to be diligent at enforcing this protocol for health and safety of our players and their families.
Coaches to wear masks during training sessions
Coaches are required to wear appropriate face coverings during training sessions. Players will also be allowed to wear masks while training, but this will be a personal choice of the player’s parent of guardian. Any other individuals attending the training session are required to wear appropriate face coverings and follow social distancing guidelines.
Hand sanitizer
Players should have hand sanitizer for personal use.
Avoid “shared” equipment like pinnies
Players should have their own alternate color training top or pinny – Pinnies should not be shared. A player should have their own ball, water bottle, towel, etc.
Reduce players touching practice equipment
The handling of all training items, i.e., cones, flags, goals etc. should be limited to coaches.
Avoid large gatherings or lines of players
Coaches should avoid having players stand or assemble in lines or small groups. Coaches should alter their training methods to incorporate appropriate social distancing (maintaining 6’ distancing between players when providing instruction, etc.). It is recommended that player and referee benches be removed, and that players and referees provide their own individual seating to allow for 6’ separation.
Facility structures cleaning and use
Any facilities that are accessible during training and games should be cleaned and disinfected hourly. Railing and other surfaces that are touched frequently should also be cleaned and disinfected at least daily. If permanent bleachers are available for spectators, clubs should display signage on or near the bleachers reminding spectators to maintain 6’ distancing from non-family members.
Increased signage throughout facilities
Clubs should post reminder signage throughout facilities wherever possible to remind all players, coaches and spectators to maintain social distancing.
Social Distancing Oversight
Clubs should assign people to be physically present to monitor fields and facilities to politely but firmly ask any groups of parents or players to disperse and maintain appropriate distancing and that failure to do so risks the sanctioning and protection (including insurance) for the players and the club.
More Information
For more information about guidance from the CDC, please visit the following links:
Friday, May 1st, the Governor outlined how and when Indiana will “Get Indiana Back on Track” outlining 5 stages. Indiana is currently in stage 1 [shelter-in-place]. Below, which is subject to change based on changing conditions, is a summary of the Governor’s current return to normal; their dates for implementation; and how they affect NWISL activities. The Governor’s stages and their descriptions can be viewed by visiting the following -
STAGE 1 Began March 24 - May 4– No NWISL sanctioned activities
STAGE 2 Begins May 4 (Except Cass, Lake, and Marion counties) Easing of phase 1 restrictions begins in a measured way. The easing of restrictions outlined in stage 2 will begin in Lake and Marion counties on May 11 and for Cass county on May 18. Phase 2 also includes:
- Limits social gatherings to 25 people – use off CDC and social distancing guidelines
- High-risk individuals, those 65 years old and older and or with medical conditions continue to shelter-in-place
No NWISL Sanctioned activities
STAGE 3 Begins May 24.
- Limits social gatherings to 100 people – use of CDC and social distancing guidelines required
- Allows for sports - use of CDC and social distancing guidelines required
Begin modified NWISL Sanctioned activities as outlined below:
Implement Return to Activities Minimum Requirements:
Note – it will be each club’s responsibility to provide oversight and to ensure social distancing protocols are implemented by coaches and teams.
- Limit one team (maximum 25 people) to each half of a full-size soccer field for each training session.
- Have designated side-line space for each player to keep their soccer equipment and water bottle (6’x6’ area with 6’ between adjacent player area). Players must bring their own water. No sharing. No communal water coolers.
- Coaches may welcome each player as they come to the field but should not make physical contact with the player and should stay a minimum of 6’ away when greeting the player.
- Players should not physically contact teammates before, during or after training.
- Individual activities only, no competitive activities (i.e. no 1v1, 2v1, 3v3, or scrimmaging of any kind, etc. activities)
- Designated space for each player (on the field), a player’s space must be a minimum of 6’ from any other player’s space. The size of the space for each player will depend on the technique on which you are working (more space for dribbling vs receiving & passing) and accommodations for the skill level of the player.
- Players should use their own soccer ball whenever possible. At no time should they use their hands to pick up another player’s soccer ball. Players should sanitize their soccer ball before and after each training session.
- Since phase 3 does not permit competitive situation or scrimmages, it is recommended that training sessions be limited to:
- 10U – 45 min
- 11U & older – 60 min.
- If a team organizes more than one time slot for training using the same area, there should be a minimum of 20 minutes between the end of one training session and the beginning of the second session. Players waiting for their training session should remain in their cars until 10 minutes before the beginning of their training session.
- Parents attending a training session should follow the same guidelines as the players - stay in their cars until 10 minutes before the training session is to begin. If they are staying to watch the training session, they should stand/sit on the opposite touch line from where the players keep their equipment and families should stand/sit a minimum of 6’ away from another spectator who is not a member of their family.
- When training ends, the players, coaches and parents should be directed to promptly gather their equipment and move to their transportation as soon as practical to provide for a clear area for the next group.
STAGE 4 Begins June 14th
Continue modified NWISL Sanctioned activities as outlined below:
Implement “Return to Activities Minimum Requirements”
Note – it will be each club’s responsibility to provide oversight and to ensure social distancing protocols are implemented by coaches and teams.
- Social gatherings up to 250 people - use of CDC and social distancing guidelines required
- Recreational sports leagues, and tournaments resume
- Have designated side-line space for each player to keep their soccer equipment and water bottle (6’x6’ area with 6’ between adjacent player area). Players must bring their own water. No sharing. No communal water coolers.
- Coaches may welcome each player as they come to the field but should not make physical contact with the player and should stay a minimum of 6’ away when greeting the player.
- Players are not to physically contact each other when greeting players at training, or before or after competitive play. Physical contact is only permitted within the rules of soccer during time of active, competitive play (no on or ff field team huddles, no celebrations involving personal contact, etc.)
- Normal training sessions may begin. Competitive activities and games are allowed. Normal length of training sessions may resume.
- Players should use their own soccer ball whenever possible. At no time should they pick up, using their hands, another player’s soccer ball. Players should sanitize their soccer before and after each training session. If the coach supplies the balls for training/games, they are to be sanitized prior to each activity, immediately before being used as a game ball and at half time.
- It is recommended that all players attend each training session wearing the same color. For an alternate color, here are two options:
- 1) the player brings an alternate color shirt,
- 2) the coach gives each player a training bib to keep for the season that they are to wash prior to each training session.
- If a team organizes more than one time slot for training using the same area, there should be a minimum of 20 minutes between the end of one training session and the beginning of the second session. Players waiting for their training session should remain in their cars until 10 minutes before the beginning of their training session.
- Parents attending a training session should follow the same guidelines as the players. Stay in their car until 10 minutes before the training session is to begin. If they are staying to watch the training session, they should stand/sit on the opposite touchline of where the players keep their equipment and families should stand/sit a minimum of 6’ away from another spectator who is not a member of their family.
- When training ends, please encourage the players, coaches and parents to promptly gather their equipment and move to their transportation as soon as practical to provide for a clear area for the next group.
- Games and tournaments are permitted. Sidelines should allow for each player to keep his/her soccer equipment and water bottle (6’x6’ area). Players must bring their own water. No sharing. No communal water coolers.
- Players not in the game should follow social distancing guidelines.
- Referee area should allow for social distancing
- Spectators attending games should follow the social distancing guidelines, a minimum of 6’ away from another spectator not in their family.
STAGE 5 Scheduled to Begin July 4th
If Covid-19 conditions are as anticipated at the end of June, the Governor will most likely implement Stage 5 on July 4. We will follow when they are available.