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Jun, 2020

NWISl Rules and Format Changes

The NWISL Rules and Format Committee put together a proposal that received a motion and then was voted in approval.  These changes are in place beginning the Fall 2020 Season.

Below are the changes for each of the NWISL age groups:

  1. U8
    1. Max roster of 12 players
    2. Play 6v6 (5 field players and a goalie)
    3. Goal size is 6’ by 12’
    4. Field size is 45 yards in length by 35 yards in width
    5. Divisions and tournament consistent with the rest of the league

    Notes: U8 has no changes to current format.

  2. U10
    1. Max roster of 14 players
    2. Play 7v7 (6 field players and a goalie)
    3. Goal size is 6’6” by 18’
    4. Field size is 60 yards in length by 40 yards in width, with a build out line for goal kicks
    5. Introduce Offsides
    6. Divisions and tournament consistent with the rest of the league

    Notes: U10 changes would create a step up in development and game play from the U8 age group. Adding a field player develops players and coaches with new positioning and formations. Introducing offsides develops players and coaches while it also prevents players from cherry picking. Offsides will also provide the opportunity to help develop new referees and build the pool of referees for our league. U12

  3. U12
    1. Max Roster of 16 players
    2. Play 9v9 (8 field players and a goalie)
    3. Goal size is 7’x21’
    4. Field size is 80 yards in length by 50 yards in width
    5. Divisions and tournament consistent with the rest of the league

    Notes: U12 changes would create a consistent step up in development and game play from the U10 age group towards the U14 age group. Adding a field player develops players and coaches with new positioning and formations.

  4. U14 and above
    1. Max roster of 18 players
    2. Play 11v11 (10 field players and a goalie)
    3. Goal size is 8’x24’
    4. Field size is 100 yards in length by 70 yards in width
    5. Divisions and tournament consistent with the rest of the league

Notes: Progression of players through the younger age groups as defined above would provide the mental, physical and skills development used at this level and above. All of our age groups would be playing on the same formats as US Youth Soccer and provide the clubs more opportunities to receive grants for their programs.  There would also be greater development for our referees and give more opportunity to build our referee pool.

nwisl rules and format changes.pdf


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